Do you want to unlock the mysteries of the Major Arcana in the Tarot? Are your eyes on a higher level of understanding, seeking insight into how these powerful cards can help improve your life? Look no further – with this blog post, we’ll work together so that you may gain an expert understanding of what lies beneath the surface of each card! We’ll also offer some tips to ensure that when you're ready, you'll be able to read them intuitively.
With patience and practice, soon enough, even indecipherable secrets hidden within Arcana will be revealed. All it takes is knowledge and trust in oneself. So let's get started - join us today as we dive deep into uncovering all the wonders in store for those who lay out their tarot cards.
Background of the Rider-Waite Tarot
The focus of this blog post will be on the Rider-Waite Tarot and the secrets of the major arcana in tarot that can be uncovered within that deck. The Rider-Waite Tarot is one of the most popular interpretations of the tarot and what many tarot decks in use today are based off of. It was designed by Arthur Waite and illustrated by artist Pamela Colman Smith in 1910. This deck is composed of:
- 78 cards total,
- 22 of which are part of the major arcana and the remaining
- 56 being part of the minor arcana.
To understand the secrets of the Major Arcana in the Tarot, it is important to understand the word arcana itself. ‘Arcana' is the plural form of 'Arcanum'. It is derived from the Latin word 'Arcanus', which means 'secret' or a ‘mystery. The major arcana cards are often interpreted as signifying significant life events, lessons, or changes in one's journey through life.
The major arcana of the tarot is made up of 22 cards:
- The Fool
- The Magician
- The High Priestess
- The Empress
- The Emperor
- The Hierophant
- The Lovers
- The Chariot
- Strength
- The Hermit
- Wheel of Fortune
- Justice
- The Hanged Man
- Death
- Temperance
- The Devil
- The Tower
- The Star
- The Moon
- The Sun
- Judgment
- The World
Meaning of the Major Arcana Card in a Tarot Reading
The Major Arcana cards of the tarot deck hold secrets that tap into the depths of our subconscious. These archetypal images represent different aspects of life, as well as our personal journey through it. When encountered during a tarot reading, they can provide valuable insight and guidance on one's spiritual path.
The interpretation of the Major Arcana cards can be quite personal, as they tap into individual experience. Different people may have different interpretations of a card depending on their life circumstances and context. In addition, even the same person can interpret a card differently in different readings, based on their current state of mind or emotional landscape. It is important to take the messages that resonate with you, hit on your own intuition, or speak to your soul versus taking anything at face value.
When a Tarot Reading Is made up of Major Arcana Cards
When a tarot reading is made up of major arcana cards it can signify an important, life-changing event that requires deep reflection and thought. These cards represent the secrets of Tarot, which are secrets only revealed to those who have spent years mastering its secrets. The secrets of Tarot are not easily found in books or online tutorials -- that help but are only a start.
Importance of Interpreting the Imagery in the Major Arcana Tarot Cards in the Context Of Your Reading
Interpreting the imagery of the major arcana tarot cards is an essential part of revealing secrets about a person's life journey and unlocking their hidden potential. These cards represent archetypal energies that reflect our deepest subconscious desires, fears, and patterns of behavior. By understanding what each card represents in its traditional form, we can get an insight into a specific overarching message or theme in a person's life or situation. The major arcana of the tarot are usually divided into three parts:
- the first six cards represent an individual's conscious, external life;
- the next seven cards represent their inner (or subconscious) world, and
- the last nine cards represent a person's spiritual path.
As such, each card carries its own secrets which can be explored and unraveled. For example, the Magician card is associated with creative power and resourcefulness while the Tower card signals a sudden transformation or upheaval. By interpreting the secrets of major arcana tarot cards in relation to each other and to our own lives, we can gain clarity on how best to navigate any given situation.
Major Arcana Cards in Reverse in a Reading
When the major arcana of the tarot appears in a reading in reverse, it is an indication that something might be blocked in one’s life. The secrets held within these cards can take on a different meaning when they are inverted.
For example, The Devil card symbolizes being bound to materialism and darkness but if seen reversed it could signal a release from the grip of these influences.
The Hermit card can appear reversed and indicate that now is not the time to retreat and reflect but instead, action should be taken. In all readings, understanding the secrets of the major arcana in reverse is essential for interpreting what might be happening in one’s life.
Next Steps
Unravel the major arcana of the tarot and gain clarity on where your own life is headed by investing in a reading. By calling upon the major arcana in your own life, you can gain insight into obstacles and successes on the horizon.
Understand yourself better, recognizing what you need to do for personal growth and well-being. Get advice from experienced readers who also specialize in dream interpretation, runes, and more, unlocking major arcana through their knowledge. Invest in a professional tarot reading and uncover its secrets to navigate new challenges with confidence and clarity.
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